vers. 7 Jul 2024 - beta

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How enable LoTW function

Open page

  1. Login
  2. Select "Modify profile"
  3. Select the tab "LoTW"

Step 1 - Check for new QSL

  1. Click "Account - Change"
  2. Insert username (the username used to login into ARRL's Logbook of the World)
  3. Insert password (the password used to login into ARRL's Logbook of the World)
  4. Press "Ok"
  5. Enable "Enable check" if you want to receive QSL confirmation from LoTW
  6. Enable "Automatic update grid locator" if you want that updates QSO's grid locator according with data received from LoTW

Step 2 - Send new QSOs

Follow these steps if you want to send new QSO to LOTW
Important: Keep in mind that enabling this function all new QSOs will be sent to LoTW using the inserted location.
Then enable this function only if you use the radio from a single location (home, hamshack, ...).
Don't enable this function if you use the radio from more than one location (field, activation, expedition, ...)

Get certificate

  1. Launch the program TrustedQSL - TQSLCert
  2. Select your certificate
  3. Click "Certificate" - "Save"
  4. Enter the PKCS#12 file name (for example your callsign) and press "Save"
  5. Write a password (You must remember this password, it will be used in the step 18) and press "Ok"
  6. Enter your private password and press "Ok"

Setup certificate

  1. Click "Certificate - Upload"
  2. Press "Browse" and select the PKCS#12 file earlier saved
  3. Insert the password (that used in the step 14)
  4. Press "Ok"

Setup location

  1. Click "Station location - Change"
  2. Insert "Station location name" (for example home)
  3. Select your "ITU Zone" and "CQ Zone"
  4. Insert "IOTA" if necessary
  5. Press "Ok"

Final step

  1. Check the box "Enable"

Callsign search



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